Pintyplus HOME spray paint
The spray paint Pintyplus Home has been specifically created to paint all the objects from your house. Sections of walls, gates, doors and windows even furniture and decorative objects. Suitable for all the surfaces. Formulated with water-based resins, low odor, pleasant and easy to use with no runs. It is cost-effective: covers up to 3m². You can remove the paint in the first minutes before it starts drying. No more stains besides the desired painted object.
Brings a triple value:
- Makes easier the use of spray paint in interiors: during spraying reduces to a minimum the splashes avoiding the staining of the area where you paint.
- Maximum respect towards the people and the environment. Low odor during and after applying the paint, almost imperceptible.
- The election of the color range is aligned with the present and future tendencies of the world of interior decoration.
Everything in its favor to become the perfect spray paint to paint in your house.
Where to apply the spray paint Pintyplus HOME
Spray paint especially created so the process of painting can become something usual in your house. It’s applications are almost infinite, mentioning objects of medium size like sections of walls, doors, windows and as well as common pieces of furniture likecabinets, sideboards, cupboards, headboards, tables or chairs; decorative objects of all type like clay figures, frames, vases or even textiles such as small carpets or decorative pillows.

List of materials where Pintyplus HOME can be applied
1. Wood in general, MDF, chipboard panels, wood veneers.
2. Glass, clay, ceramics, and tiles (with the previous layer of Pintyplus Universal Primer).
3. Paper, cardboard or paper-faced foam board, rubber, cork, and foams in genera, Styrofoam, etc.
4. Vegetable fibers such as bamboo, hemp, etc.
5. Felt.
6. Methacrylate and polycarbonate.
7. Metals (except aluminum).
8. Hard plastics, rigid-transparent-flexible PVC and Forex (with previous Pintyplus Plastic Primer).
9. Soft plastic, nets, and bags made of polyethylene, cellular polypropylene and Porex (expanded polystyrene).
10. Textiles such as wool, linen or cotton, felt, etc.
Technical characteristics for Pintyplus HOME
- 400ml format size cans.
- Matte colors
- Spreading = 3m²
- Drying time: 1 hour. (15 minutes for porous surfaces).
- Repainted: after 30 minutes.
- Excellent adhesion on wood, rope, methacrylate, cork, polystyrene, carbon and stainless steel.
- Low level of odor
- No runs.
How to use the spray paint water-based Pintyplus Home
The water-based spray paint Pintyplus Home is extremely easy to use. Always we recommend before painting to clean the surface, to be dry and free of any contaminant, especially avoiding oils, greases and silicones because will repel the layer of paint. We recommend to test the paint is a small area to see if a previous layer of primer is needed.
1. Shake the spray vigorously for about 30 seconds after hearing the balls sound. Strongly recommended to test before painting on a piece of paper and measure the proper spray distance. Each job may require a different distance depending on the object you are going to paint. The larger the surface to be painted is, the more we need to increase the distance of spraying from the object. Likewise, the recommended distance is about 15-20 cm.
2. Paint cross-cross layers. Meaning that you need to paint from the top to bottom and then from one side to the other side in order to perfectly cover the entire surface. Sometimes it’s not necessary if you have adequate control of the spray. This paint covers a lot and facilitates its use.
3. Invert the spray cans up-side-down and press the nozzle until only gas comes out once finished the process of painting. In this way, we will clean the paint circuit and prevent it from clogging to be able to use it on future occasions.
4. Can be removed with soap and water in the first 15 minutes (before it dries) in the case was stained an object accidentally.

Recommendations for the spray paint Pintyplus Home
Test the product before start painting in a small area of the material in order to avoid any incompatibilities.
Strongly recommended to start and finish painting on the exterior limits of the surface to be painted.
On already painted surfaces, sand the surface to facilitate adhesion. If the paint is in poor condition, it is better to remove it completely by sanding or using the Pintyplus paint stripper.
To paint on plastic, apply a previous layer of primer Pintyplus Plastic Primer from the TECH range. This primer will also allow you to paint on glass.
Do not use on devices connected to the electrical network and apply in ventilated areas.
Once empty, the spray must be deposited in the yellow container.